Friday, May 15, 2020

The Great Literary Works of Solomon Essay - 1693 Words

The Great Literary Works of Solomon Mary A. Wilson BIB 113 – Old Testament History Grand Canyon University Dr. Calvin Habig, Instructor August 16, 2009 The Great Literary Works of Solomon The purpose of the Book of Psalms is to provide the expression of praise, worship and confession to God. The purpose of the Book of Proverbs is to teach people how to attain wisdom, discipline, and a prudent life, and how to do what is right, just, and fair. In short, to apply divine wisdom to daily life and to provide moral instruction. In the following paragraphs, we will compare the two Books. (Life Application Study Bible, New International Version, Tyndale) In the book, An Historical Survey of the Old Testament by†¦show more content†¦These proverbs are short poems (usually in couplet form), containing a holy mixture of common sense and timely warnings. Although they are not meant to teach doctrine, a person who follows their advice will walk closely with God. The word proverb comes from a Hebrew word that means â€Å"to rule or to govern,† and these sayings, reminders, and admonitions provide advice for governing our lives. References An Historical Survey of the Old Testament, second edition, by Eugene H. Merrill, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Life Application Study Bible, New International Version, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Heartlights, Search God’s Word, Edited by Mary A. Wilson (mwilson09), August 16, 2009 at 3:00 AM REFERENCES Niswonger, Richard L. (1992). New Testament History. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. Thomas, Robert L. and Stanley N. Grundy (1987). The NIV Harmony of the Gospels. New York: Harper One Publishers. INSTRUCTORS COMMENTS: Mary: I am still puzzled by your use of two resource lists, but you have done a good job. Thank you. Score: 11 /11 |The Great Literary Works ofShow MoreRelatedSong of Solomon Essay1068 Words   |  5 PagesToni Morrison’s novel, Song of Solomon, encompasses many themes that were prevalent in the other novels written in the same time period. Morrison produced this novel in 1977 just as racial issues and discrimination were at its peaks. â€Å"She [Morrison] was the first African American to receive the Noble Prize in Literature.† (Milliman 5) However, the setting of the story is in the 1930s when World War II was taking place. The novel is based on an African-American family residing in Michigan who areRead MoreEssay about Stephen Cranes The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky1034 Words   |  5 PagesComes to Yellow Sky Stephen Cranes The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky, as well as his other Western stories, owe much to Mark Twains approach to the West. According to Eric Solomon, both authors†¦used humor to comment on the flaws of traditional fictional processes (237). 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