Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cyber Bullying Awareness - Thesis - 2011 Words

The Awareness on Cyber bullying as Perceived by the Second Year High School Students of St. Martin Montessori School, Inc. School Year 2012-2013 The Problem and It’s Background This chapter presents the description of the problem and its background. It mainly introduces the topic itself. Chapter 1 Introduction â€Å"Cyberspace† sometimes called as â€Å"Internet world†, is described by the Merriam Webster as the online world of computer networks and especially the â€Å"Internet†. It is a wide array of alternative activities conducted using medium whether a personal computer or a portable devices. Its main purpose is to establish communication with other people around the globe. Also, it is used for recreational activities, researches,†¦show more content†¦Martin Montessori, Inc. School Year 2012-2013 with respect to: a. Gender b. Age c. Internet Connection d. Academic Performance Significance of the study: The primary objective of this research is to gather sufficient data about Cyber bullying as perceived by the Second year High School students of St. Martin Montessori School, Inc. School Year 2012-2013. The result of this study can bring awareness for the students, teachers and parents in dealing with Cyber bullying. After conducting this study, the researchers tend to know how aware the respondents are to this phenomenon. Scope and Delimitations of the Study The actual study will be conducted on Second Year High School students consisting of at least 120 respondents from the 4 different sections namely Leeuwenhoek, Malthus, Wallace and Weinberg of this School year 2012-2013. Sophomore students were chosen by the researchers for they are in between the years of being bullied and being exposed in the cyberspace. Definition of terms Abuse- is the improper usage or treatment for a bad purpose, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Agenda- a comprehensive plan of action to be taken Array- is a systematic arrangement of objects Adolescents- a young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity; a teenager. Autonomy- is an idea that is generally understood to refer to the capacity to be ones own person. Authentically- Conforming to fact and therefore worthy ofShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Cyberbullying693 Words   |  3 Pagespower to destroy lives, mentally and physically. II. Central Idea: A. Cyber Bullying is a known problem all across the world. It goes unnoticed as actual bullying most of the time, but cyber bullying can be very harmful and sometime even fatal. More and more people are standing up against it but there are still a lot of cyber bullies in the world. III. Credibility Statement: A. I am speaking up for victims who have been bullying and they really need our helps to make them to feel stronger enough toRead MoreProblem, Cause, Solution Template Outline Essay1351 Words   |  6 Pageslife, but define yourself.† (SLIDE THREE) STOMP Out Bullying is an anti-bullying organization that has helped millions of lives. Not many people realize how a few words can have a big impact on someone. STOMP Out Bullying focuses on helping and trying to prevent abuse regards to racism, homophobia, sexism and more. B. Audience Relevance (SLIDE FOUR) Everyone has seen or experienced bullying first hand, whether it was physical, verbal, social or cyber. It is estimated by the National Center for EducationalRead MoreCyberbullying: Social Media and Its Effects2033 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿ Cyber-bullying: Social Media and its Affects Introduction to Cyber Bullying Since the man has first walked on the planet Earth, they have been encountering infinite social dilemmas and nobody is left untouched with its drastic impacts. While considering the numerous social concerns of the todays fast paced world, bullying, indeed cyber bullying has become one of the aspects that needs serious consideration. The statistical analysis evidently presents the fact that bullying has become anRead More The Bullying Crisis in America Essays1949 Words   |  8 PagesSchools do not talk about it, parents do not know how to stop it from happening, but so many suffer from it, bullying. Bullying has become the biggest growing issue in the world. So many people go through the day in silence while struggling to not let bullying affect them, but it does. Bullying happens in so many different ways, but no one ever talks about it. Everyday 160,000 people suffer from being bullied at school and half of those people will try to commit suicide because of it (Karmazin).Read More Social Media And Mobile Technology1515 Words   |  7 Pagescommunity. As Grande mentioned in his thesis (2015, 1), elderly users utilise and participate in various online activities on some popular social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, to stay connected with their significant people, family members, and friends. Also, active use of social media could be a great part of healthy psychological aging in the elderly user group, and a portal of information to increase their health awareness in related to prevention, diagnosis,Read MoreBullying Prevention2457 Words   |  10 PagesProblem of bullying in schools Problem-solution essay Final draft Academic Reading and writing I Nurman Assima (ID: 20110635) November 25, 2011 Outline I. Introduction Thesis statement: Due to the fact that problem of bullying negatively affects students learning ability, their health and the entire school climate society should take definite and urgent measures to solve it. II. Background * School bullying is a kind of aggressive and angry behaviour. *Read MoreHow Social Networking Affects Our Society2113 Words   |  9 Pagesthat social networking websites have negative influences on the society. For example, it leads to decreased productivity in schools and organizations, affects the adults and children negatively, decreases levels of national privacy and increases cyber bullying among others (Morris, Teevan Panovich, 2010). Acknowledgment of opposing position There are always two sides of a coin and social networking websites bear no exception since they have advantages and disadvantages. To acknowledge the opposingRead MoreA Brief Note On The And Measuring Crime3129 Words   |  13 Pagesstate laws governing the land at the time, and is becoming more and more of an issue in modern society. With shows such as Crimewatch and the constant negative portrayal by the media, crime is becoming what is known as a moral panic , and raising awareness about different type of crimes as well as frenzy (Cohen, 2002). Some of the predominate sources of UK government data on the levels and attitudes to crime, are self-report studies where offenders tell of their crime, police crime statistics andRead MoreUser Awareness Regarding Privacy Settings in Social Media Sites - Facebook/ Orkut3505 Words   |  15 Pageson, â€Å"The scope of awareness of privacy rights among students using social networking sites.† Representation of facts and figures is based on a survey carried out on Facebook users between the age of 18 and 25 years old. The Results of this paper support and reinforce our understanding of negative aspects of providing excessive information on Facebook. The research document also aims at encouraging users to be well informed of such sites before registering with it. This thesis will begin by informingRead MoreOn Aristotles Friendship and Social Network10537 Words   |  43 PagesRozi. Current Issues and Trends: Social Networking. Illinois: Northern Illinois University, 2010. The focus of this thesis, however, will be whether these tools, social networking tools in particular, present a strategic opportunity for teachers to present the current curriculum and whether there would be benefits of using these tools with students. At the later part of the thesis, the authors give an in-depth look at learning applications of one social networking tool, Facebook. However, this research

Friday, December 20, 2019

Abolitionist Movements And Social Reforms - 1610 Words

During the eighteenth century, the opposition to slavery prior to forming the United States became increasingly stronger between the Northern and Southern territories. Prior to the 1830s, antislavery societies began to emerge from every corner to challenge the slave system and to help combat slavery. During this time, people had different ideas about how to confront the issue of slavery in the system and how to establish a freedom of oppression. In the eighteenth century, antislavery political activists believed the slave system would able to be changed through peaceful political reforms, while others felt that real change could only be achieved by violence. A radical white abolitionist named John Brown became a historical figure whose beliefs motivated the violent abolitionist crusade. In the 1830s, antislavery underwent an important transformation which led to various abolitionist movements and social reforms. The American Association Organization provided a program which taught information about the gradual emancipation of slaves and exportation of the free to colonies outside the U.S. In January 1831, William Loyd Garrison a successful writer played a vital role in the initiation of the abolitionist crusade after he published the first issue, The Liberator, which brought awareness of the importance of slavery emancipation. The issue not only helped to give awareness to the issue of slavery, but it aided in the motivation of the abolitionist movements. The goal of theShow MoreRelatedThe Antebellum Era: Major Social Reform Movements Essay1104 Words   |  5 Pagesantebellum period was full of social reform movements based on the urge to eradicate evil and improve human conditions in society. Despite the attempt to deal with a wide variety of reforms to provide p ositive changes to society these reform movements were met with varying degrees of success. This essay will focus on five of the major social reform movements of that era discussing their accomplishments, failures and impacts on America as a whole. They are the reforms of abolition, women’s suffrageRead MoreThe Fundamental Diffferences Between the Black Abolitionists and the White Abolitionists Movements1592 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Black Abolitionists and the White Abolitionists Movements Black and white abolitionists shared common assumptions about the evil of slavery, the virtue of moral reform, and the certainty of human progress(1). Schor, Garnet,1877, Lanngston, 1989). This shared understanding provided the basic for the interracial solidarity and cooperation so vital in the crusade against slavery(2). (Schor and Garnet, 1877). But blacks also brought a distinct perspective to the antislavery movement. TheirRead MoreThe Reform Movements of America1272 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent reform movements. These movements included the temperance movement, education movement, prison movements, womens rights movement, and the anti-slavery movement. When glanced together, there may initially seem to be little connection between these various different movements. However, they were actually supported by a common theme, the liberation of the human spirit. This idea that all humans should be free provided the support for all of the different movements. The temperance moveme nt was basedRead MoreThe Fundamental Diffferences Between The Black Abolitionists And The White Abolitionists Movements1547 Words   |  7 PagesBlack Abolitionists and the White Abolitionists Movements Black and white abolitionists shared common assumptions about the evil of slavery, the virtue of moral reform, and the certainty of human progress(1). Schor, Garnet,1877, Lanngston, 1989). This shared understanding provided the basic for the interracial solidarity and cooperation so vital in the crusade against slavery(2). (Schor and Garnet, 1877). But blacks also brought a distinct perspective to the antislavery movement. TheirRead Moreâ€Å"Reform movements in the United States sought to expand democratic ideals†829 Words   |  4 Pages DBQ The validity of the statement, â€Å"Reform movements in the United States sought to expand democratic ideals† can be assessed regarding many reformations in the time period of 1825-1850 including the American temperance movement, the women’s rights movement, and the abolitionist reform. All of which very much expanded core democratic ideology, such as equality, liberty for all, and the pursuit of happiness. All these reforms share the qualities necessary to attempt to make the UnitedRead MoreReform Movements in the United States Sought to Expand Democratic Ideals. Assess the Validity of This Statement with Specific Reference to the Years 1825 to 1850.1698 Words   |  7 Pagesideals in the society. In response to sudden changes occurring and traditional values being challenged, various reform movements during 1825-1850 began to focus on democratic ideals. The rise of religious revivals, movements for equal rights and protecting liberties of different social groups, w ant to advance society technologically, and desire to bring order and control helped reform the society to live up to the nation’s founding ideals. Teaching them (I don’t get who â€Å"them† is) the habits of thriftRead MoreReform Movements853 Words   |  4 PagesReform Movements During the 19th Century there were many reform movements that took place. Reform movements were movements that were organized to reform or change the certain way of things. Reform movements did not always work but the ones that did greatly changed the way our nation operates today. There were three major reform movements that have altered the nation; the abolitionist movement, the temperance movement and the women s suffrage movement. Without these movements, and the great leadersRead MoreWhy did moral reform movements gather strength in the 1830s-1850s and what underlying force or forces gave them strength1073 Words   |  5 Pages1800s, a great moral reform movement swept the nation of America. Men, Women, Slaves, people who had never been admitted to influence the religious sector of the Nation were now standing up, and making their voices heard. A patriots History says, â€Å"There were transformations of attitudes about social relationships, health, prisons, education, and th e status of women and African American slaves†¦. [This] grew into a substantial Jacksonian reform movement.† This moral reform movement was driven by threeRead MoreWomen s Rights Movement And Abolitionist Movements1397 Words   |  6 Pages2. There were multiple factors which linked the women’s rights movements and the abolitionist movements. Many women joined abolitionist movement as a way to enter public life and have the opportunity to talk about controversial topics. They faced criticism for addressing these controversial issues which prompted them to attempt gain freedom for women as well as those who were enslaved. They tried to use the abolitionist movement as a way to also gain equal rights for a women as there seemed to beRead MoreThe Slavery Of The United States1545 Words   |  7 Pagesperception of slavery proved to be a polarizing issue. Many northern citizens were indifferent to the idea of slavery, while southern plantation owners relied on slavery to support their economies. After the Second Great Awakening, the abolition movement was introduced and opposition to slavery began to receive attention. Due to political ideals, acquisition of new American territories, and religious influences, opposition to slavery grew rapidly in the United States from 1776 to 1852. Natural

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Marks and Spencers internal and external factors free essay sample

This module is tailored to cover some situations that may face the professional accountant in their workplace. The interactive case studies allowed me to practice my ethical decision-making with feedback provided on my decision. This helps me to identify and to recognize my own personal ethics in any professional ethical problem that I may be faced with. Ive learned that there are two major approaches to solve ethical dilemmas, which are rule-based approach and principle-based approached. In rule-based approach, we access the right thing to do in a situation by checking for a rule that addresses or covers the situation. Whereas principle-based approach focuses on theories of the importance of general principles and it is a more flexible approach, and can cover new situations that might not have been thought of. ACCA follows the principles-based approach and it is binding on all members of ACCA. Besides that, Ive learned the five ACCA’s fundamental principles, these are integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, and professional behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Marks and Spencers internal and external factors or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, there are threats may affect the compliance to these fundamental principles, those threats are self-interest, self-review, advocacy, familiarity and intimidation. Finally, I have learned the framework that provides guidance to identify, evaluate and respond to threats to compliance with the fundamental principles. The application of framework consists of four steps: †¢Firstly to identify the real issue, †¢Secondly to determine if any of the fundamental principles are threatened, †¢Thirdly to determine if the threats are significant and †¢Finally we need to see if safeguards can be put in place to mitigate the ethical threats This ethical dilemma resolution process helps professional accountant to fulfill their obligation by making ethical decisions.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Isadora Dunkin free essay sample

The treatment of mentally ill patients has tremendously advanced since the 1 cays and much of this improvement must be accredited to Throated Dixie. During the 18 the and 19th century, many viewed the mentally unstable patients as lost souls, incurable and useless. Mental patients were maltreated, taken advantage of, kept in unclean quarter s, and abused for not understanding. Throated Dixie, a revolutionist of her era, advocated for the me neatly ill. She changed the way these people were viewed and more importantly the way the y were treated.Dixie rebelled against inadequacies and campaigned for the rights of the mentally IL l. The public, as well as the government, treated the mentally ill as criminals and sent them to live in unfit conditions of the jails -? exiling them ultimately lead to death. These harsh con editions were viewed as enough for the mentally ill because they did not know any better, or deserve any better. We will write a custom essay sample on Isadora Dunkin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Throated Lynda Dixie was born on April 4th 1 802 in Maine and the first of three children of Joseph and Mary Dixie. Dire home life was less than pleasant because her mot her was mentally unstable and her father an abusive alcoholic.Dies troubles through the scours e of her childhood may have been one of the reasons she developed a passion capable of changing Eng the treatment of others. Although her father was violent toward Dixie, he did teach her how to r dead ATA young age and this sparked interest in teaching and assessment. Dixie ran a school near h ere grandmothers home for three years. In addition to changing the lives of the mentally ill, Dixie was very involved in revolutionize the view of women and their rights. As Dixie continued to tea chi, she became ill ND contracted tuberculosis.Doctors encouraged Dixie to withdraw from teach Eng during her illness and Dixie complied, for a time. After volunteering to teach a Sunday school class for women at a local jaw I in 1841, Dies mission in life changed and she set forth to make a difference in this type nevi ornament. Disease shocked to have observed prostitutes, drunks, criminals, retarded individuals , and the mentally ill were all housed together in unheated, unfurnished, and fulfilling quart errs. When asked why the jail was in these conditions her answer was, the insane do not feel he t or cold.Dixie found the mentally ill in overcrowded areas, chained in poorly ventilated cell RSI. Throughout the sasss and beyond, Dixie was consumed with creating and putting into action Pl NAS to guarantee safe facilities for the mentally ill community. Though not at optimal health, Did x traveled to every state along the east coast creating and employing 32 mental hospitals, 15 schools for the feeble minded, a school for the blind, and numerous training facilities for nor sees. Although Dies beliefs were radical for her time, she did not relent.Dixie proposed a plan that a Leningrad of 2,500,000 acres be reserved and used for the benefit of the blind, deaf, mute and insane. The president at the time, Franklin Pierce, vetoed the bill however. Though defeat deed, Dixie decided to travel in order to refocus and regain her strength. While traveling to 14 count rises she developed asylums, inspected over 500 almshouses, over 300 jails and correctional facility ices; Dixie was compared to Saint Teresa by the Pope. After her time traveling, Dixie returned to the United States in 1 856, to find her services necessary shortly thereafter.When the Civil War began in 1861, Dixie lent more aid. She volunteered an d was soon appointed Superintendent of Union Army Nurses. Dixie was responsible for all f male nurses in the army and again was part of fighting for the privileges of women. Military o officials doubted the credibility of females but Dixie recruited more women and convinced the p public that they could perform the job just as well as men. Advocating for the rights of women became a trend for Dixie. Just as she was part of the alternative opinions on the rights Of the me neatly ill, Dixie also fought to make society understand that women should have equal rights. As Dies health intended to deteriorate, she retired and eventually passed away in 1887 fate r a 20 year span of hard work. If not for the efforts of Throated Dixie, the mentally ill may still be treated as sick things rather than people. Her efforts indirectly inspired the construction of many a additional institutions for the mentally ill. By bettering the living conditions of prison inmates and the e mentally ill, Dixie showed society that mental illness was not incurable and that requirements must exists in modern nursing practice. Dixie was ahead of her time in advocating for the rights of the mentally ill and omen.Without her devotion, treatments would have remained cruel indefinite title. Dixie saved countless lives by effectively influencing nursing practice in the sasss; in turn changing the way psych nursing is practiced today.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Professionalism in Workplace free essay sample

The purpose of this workshop is to reinforce best practices as well as key concepts and skills that create a professional team and work environment. Objective At the end of this course, each participant will: 1. Have a clear understanding of the qualities of a professional person 2. Understand how to develop superior job performance 3. Have a thorough understanding of Organization standards for professionalism in the workplace 4. Have an increased skill level in the area of professional communication 5. Understand the importance of perception management Contents 1. Introduction and Overview 2. Superior Job Performance 3. Skillful Communication 4. Successful Perception Management 5. Summary and Conclusion Speakers The following names are the speakers in the Professionalism in the Workplace Seminar. †¢Mr. Anthony Villarina †¢Mr. Arnulfo Almeniana †¢Ms. Avon Pearl Amores Emcee †¢Ms. Annalyn Manero †¢Mr. Erwin Sario Organizers †¢Arnulfo A. Almeniana †¢Pearl Avon S. Amores †¢Henmar C. Cardino †¢Joanne A. Garcia †¢Annalyn R. Manero †¢Sybil Q. Ortguesa †¢Erwin B. Sario †¢Veron Angeli R. We will write a custom essay sample on Professionalism in Workplace or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Trinidad †¢Anthony G. Villarina â€Å"PROFFESIONALISM IN THE WORKPLACE† PROFESSIONALISM â€Å"The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. † 1. SUPERIOR JOB PERFORMANCE begins with seeing yourself and the services you provide as important †¢It is your job to exceed customer expectations! †¢Handling complaints is a skill that all professionals must develop into an art. Tips for effectively handling customer complaints: 1. Listen 2. Understand 3. Apologize 4. Take responsibility 5. Act 6. Follow up 2. SKILLFUL COMMUNICATION -one of the key attributes of all professionals A. Verbal -remain open -listen for content rather than style -look at the other clues to meaning -maintain eye contact B. Vocal -Choose your words carefully -Avoid slang and profanity -Improve your vocabulary -Focus on positive statements C. Non-verbal -Get some feedback -Groom yourself carefully -Correct your posture -Be careful of offensive gestures 3. PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT – perception = reality Tips for effectively handling customer complaints: 1. Watch your words 2. Produce quality work Maintain a positive attitude â€Å"PERSONALITY DISORDERS† Sunday, 6th of May, 2012 8:00 am – 12:00 nn PUP-Graduate School, M. H. Del Pilar Campus, Valencia St. , Sta. Mesa, Manila The seminar is organized by Clinical Psychology Group. Target attendees for this Seminar are the Graduate School Students. Purpose The purpose of this seminar is to enlighten and broaden the knowledge of the MP students about the Personality Disorders. To be familiarized with its signs and symptoms as well as its diagnosis and prognosis, treatment such as psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Objective At the end of this course, each participant will: 1. Have a clear understanding of the different kinds of personality disorders. 2. To distinguished one personality disorders from the other. 3. To understand and help people with personality disorders, so they can cope with their day to day living. 4. To let them recognized and accept their personality disorders as well as the necessary treatment. 5. To know and realize all the pain and sufferings they went through in dealing with their personality disorders. Contents 1. Introduction and Overview 2. Classifications of Personality Disorders Cluster A, B and C. 3. Etiology Psychoanalytic Factors 4. Epidemiology Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis, Course and Prognosis 5. Clinical Features and Treatments. Resource Persons The following names are the speakers in the â€Å"Personality Disorders† Seminar. †¢Ms. Ivy Marie B. Paulete †¢Mr. Joseph J. Cando †¢Ms. Tschaine Cristine C. Cac †¢Mr. Juno C. Bautista Emcee †¢Ms. Cherry Mae Esios †¢Mr. Alexander Prudente Organizer †¢Josephine L. Abdon †¢Juno C. Bautista †¢Tschaine Cristine C. Cac †¢Joseph J. Cando †¢Cherry Mae D. Esios †¢Ivy Marie B. Paulete †¢Alexander B. Prudente Jr. PERSONALITY DISORDER An Introduction Ivy Marie B. Paulete What is Personality Disorder? According to Diagnostic Statistic Manual (4th Edition) Personality disorder (PD) is defined as an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of individual and culture. DSM-IV: Five Criteria CRITERION A: this pattern must be manifested in at least two of the ff. areas: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control. CRITERION B: the enduring pattern must be inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. CRITERION C: the pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impairment functioning. CRITERION D: the pattern is stable and of long duration and its onset can be tracked back at least to adolescence or early adulthood. CRITERION E: the pattern is not better accounted for as a manifestation or consequence of another mental disorder Categories of PD CLUSTER A: people with this disorder seem odd or eccentric, with unusual behavior ranging from distrust and suspiciousness to social detachment. Sub-categories: Paranoid Personality Disorder Schizoid Personality Disorder Schizotypal Personality Disorder CLUSTER B: individual with these disorder share tendency to be dramatic, emotional, and erratic Sub-categories: Histrionic PD Narcissistic PD Anti-Social PD Borderline PD CLUSTER C: anxiety and fearfulness are common to them Sub-categories: Avoidant PD Dependent PD Obsessive-Compulsive PD Etiology of PD? GENETIC FACTORS †¢Cluster A are more common in the biological relatives of patients with schizophrenia than in control groups. †¢Cluster B are genetic based but usually accompanied with mood, alcohol use, somatization (Briquet’s Syndrome) disorders †¢Cluster C are more common to monozygotic twin than dizygotic twin. It is also accompanied with depression short rapid eye movement (REM) latency period and abnormal dexamethasone-suppression test (DST) reults. BIOLOGICAL FACTORS †¢Hormones. High levels of testosterone, 17-estradiol, and estrone exhibit impulsive traits. †¢Platelet Monoamine Oxidase. Low (MOA) level exhibits having more time in social activities and accompanied with schizotypal disorder than the high (MOA). †¢Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement. Appears to person who are introverted, has low self-esteem, and withdrawn personality. †¢Electrophysiology. Slow wave in electrocephalogram exhibits anti-social and borderline disorders. †¢Neurotransmitters. a. High level of serotonin reduces depression, impulsiveness, and rumination, and a general good sense of well-being. b. low level of serotonin increases suicidal attempts, aggressive and impulsive behaviors.  c. Increase Dopamine in the CNS can induce euphoria. d. High endogenous endorphin levels may be associated with persons who are phelgmatic (insensible and no arousal). e. Endorphins have effects to exogenous morphine, such as analgesia and suppression of arousal. PSYCHOANALYTIC FACTORS Sigmund Freud stated that personality disorder occurs when there is a fixation in the psychosexual stage of development . Wilhelm Reich claims the personality disorder is characterized by their defense mechanism such as Paranoid PD use projection while Schizoid PD use withdrawal. When Defense Mechanism works effectively, persons with personality disorder masters the feeling of anxiety, depression, anger, shame, guilt, etc.. They intend to be reluctant to treatment process because their defense are important in controlling unpleasant affects, they are not interested in surrendering them. Common Types of Defense Mechanism †¢Fantasy. Satisfaction within themselves by creating imaginary lives. †¢Dissociation. Replacement of unpleasant affects within pleasant ones. †¢Isolation. Shows intensified self-reliant, overly formal social behavior, and obstinacy. †¢Projection. Attribution of unacknowledged feelings to others. †¢Splitting. Feelings are ambivalent are divided into good and bad. †¢Passive Aggression. Turns their anger against themselves. †¢Acting Out. Expresses unconscious wishes or conflicts through action to avoid being conscious of either the accompanying idea or the affect. AVOIDANT PERSONALITY DISORDER Tschaine Cristine Cac, RND Famous Persons with Avoidant Personality Disorder †¢Emily Dickinson †¢Diana Willson Outline †¢Definition of Avoidant Personality Disorder †¢Epidemilogy †¢DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) †¢Clinical Features †¢Differential Diagnosis †¢Course and Prognosis †¢Psychotherapy †¢Pharmacotherapy AVOIDANT PERSONALITY DISORDER †¢Avoidant personality disorder is a mental health condition in which a person has a lifelong pattern of feeling very shy, inadequate, and sensitive to rejection. EPIDEMIOLOGY †¢Avoidant personality disorder has been reported to have lifetime prevalence rates of 1. 1% (Maier et al. 1992) and 1. 3% (Zimmerman and Coryell 1990), considerably lower than the 13. 3% for the related social anxiety disorder reported by Kessler and colleagues (1994) in the National Comorbidity Study. DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) †¢A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following: †¢Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked. †¢Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection. †¢Shows restraint initiating intimate relationships because of the fear of being ashamed, ridiculed, or rejected due to severe low self-worth. †¢Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations. †¢Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy. †¢Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others †¢Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing. Clinical Features †¢Hypersensitivity to rejection by others. †¢Patients main personality trait is timidity. †¢These persons desire warmth and security of human companionship, but justify their avoidance of relationships by their alleged fear of rejection. †¢They are afraid to speak up in public or to make requests of others. †¢They are apt to misinterpret other persons’ comments as derogatory or ridiculing. †¢They rarely attain much personal advancement or exercise much authority, but seem shy and eager to please. †¢These persons are generally unwilling to enter relationships unless they are an unusually strong guarantee of uncritical acceptance. †¢They often have no close friends. Differential Diagnosis †¢Patients with APD desire social interaction, unlike with schizoid personality disorder, who want to be alone. †¢Patients with APD are not as demanding, irritable or unpredictable as those with BPD and HPD. †¢APD and dependent personality disorder are similar. †¢Patients with DPD are presumed to have greater fear of being abandoned or unloved than those with APD, but the clinical picture may be indistinguishable. Course and Prognosis †¢A therapist must convey an accepting attitude toward the patient’s fears, especially the fear of rejection. †¢Therapist eventually encourages a patient to move out into the world to take what are perceived as great risks of humiliation, rejection and failure. †¢Group therapy may help patients understand how their sensitivity to rejection affects them and others. †¢Assertiveness training is a form of behavior therapy that may teach patients to express their needs openly and to enlarge their self-esteem. Pharmacotherapy †¢Some patients are helped by ? -adrenergic receptor antagonists, such as atenolol (Tenormin), to manage autonomic nervous system hyperactivity, which tends to be high in patients with APD. †¢Serotonergic agents may help rejection sensitivity. †¢Dopaminergic drugs might engender novelty-seeking behavior. BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Tschaine Cristine C. Cac, RND Famous People with Borderline Personality Disorder Princess Diana Adolph Hitler Definition of Terms Affect- feeling or emotion, especially as manifested by facial expression or body language Dysphoria- an emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, or unease Neurosis- a disorder in which anxiety, obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts, etc. dominate the personality Paranoid Ideation or Paranoia- having beliefs that you are being harassed or persecuted, or beliefs involving general suspiciousness about others motives or intent. Psychosis- a severe mental disorder characterized by symptoms, as delusions or hallucinations, that indicate impaired contact with reality Rem latency- after a person falls asleep, the amount of time it takes for the first onset of REM sleep Thyrotropin-releasing hormone- a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that stimulates release of thyrotropin Thyrotropin-promotes the growth of the thyroid gland in the neck and stimulates it to produce more thyroid hormones MAOIs-Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) are medicines that relieve certain types of mental depression Outline †¢Definition of Borderline Personality Disorder †¢Epidemiology †¢DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) †¢Clinical Features †¢Differential Diagnosis †¢Course and Prognosis †¢Psychotherapy †¢Pharmacotherapy Borderline Personality Disorder The patients stand on the border between neurosis and psychosis. Characterized by extraordinary unstable affect, mood, behavior, object relations and self-image. Also been called ambulatory schizophrenia, pseudoneurotic schizophrenia, psychotic character disorder and emotionally unstable personality disorder EPIDEMIOLOGY †¢Thought to be present in about 1 to 2% of the population. †¢Twice as common in women as in men. †¢An increased prevalence of major depressive disorder, alcohol use disorders substance abuse is found in first-degree relatives of persons with borderline personality disorder. DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria For Borderline Personality Disorder 1. A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, and affects, and marked impulsitivity beginning by early adulthood and present in variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment 2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. 3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self 4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e. g. , spending, sex, sibstance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). 5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats or self-mutilating behavior. 6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e. g. , intense episodic dysporia, irritability or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days) 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness 8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger ( e. g. , frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights) 9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms. DIAGNOSIS Biological studies may aid in the diagnosis; in some patients show shortened REM latency and sleep continuity disturbances, abnormal DST results and abnormal thyrotropin-releasing hormone test results. Clinical Features Micropsychotic episodes(short- lived) Psychotic symptoms are always circumscribed, fleeting or doubtful. Unstable interpersonal relationships Affective distress Marked impulsivity Unstable self-image Repetitive self- destructive acts Manipulative suicide attempts Negative emotional states specific to BPD fall into four categories: †¢destructive or self-destructive feelings; †¢extreme feelings in general; †¢feelings of fragmentation or lack of identity; †¢feelings of victimization †¢Differential Diagnosis †¢Differentiated from schizophrenia on the basis that the patient with BPD lacks prolonged psychotic episodes, thought disorder and classic  schizophrenic signs. †¢Patients with schizotypal personality disorder show marked peculiarities of thinking, strange ideation and recurrent ideas of reference. Those with paranoid personality disorder are marked by extreme suspiciousness. Patients with BPD generally have chronic feelings of emptiness and short-lived psychotic episodes; they act impulsively and demand extraordinary relationships; they may mutilat e themselves and make manipulative suicide attempts. Course and Prognosis †¢BPD is fairly stable; patients change little overtime. †¢The diagnosis is usually made before the age of 40, when patients are attempting to make occupational, marital and other choices and are unable to deal with the normal stages of the life cycle. †¢Common Features of Recommended Psychotherapy for BPD †¢Therapy is not expected to be brief. †¢A strong helping relationship develops between patient and therapist. †¢Clear roles and responsibilities of patient and therapist are established. †¢Therapist is active and directive, not a passive listener. †¢Patient and therapist mutually develop a hierarchy of priorities. Therapist conveys empathic validation plus the need for patient to control his/her behavior. Flexibility is needed as new circumstances, including stresses, develop. Limit setting, preferably mutually agreed upon, is used. Concomitant individual and group approaches are used. PHARMACOTHERAPY Antipsychotics have been used to control anger, hostility and brief psychotic episodes. Antidepressants improve the depressed mood common in patients with BPD. The MAO inhibitors have successfully modulated impulsive behavior in some patients. Benzodiazepines, particularly alprazolam(Xanax) help anxiety and depression. Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine, may improve global functioning for some patients. Serotonergic agents such as selective serotoni reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) have been helpful in some cases. HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER Tschaine Cristine C. Cac, RND Epidemiology †¢Prevalence of about 2 to 3 percent( DSM-IV-TR) †¢Rates of about 10 to 15% have been reported in inpatient and outpatient mental health settings when structured assessment is used. †¢Diagnosed more frequently in women than in men. †¢Some studies have found association with somatization disorder and alcoholic use disorders. DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Histrionic Personality Disorder †¢A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: †¢is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention †¢interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior †¢displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions †¢consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self †¢has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail †¢shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion †¢is suggestible, i. e. , easily influenced by others or circumstances †¢considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are. †¢Clinical Features †¢High degree of attention-seeking behavior à ¢â‚¬ ¢Exaggerate their thoughts and feelings †¢Display temper tantrums, tears and accusations when they are not the center of attention or are not receiving praise or approval †¢Seductive behavior is common in both sexes. †¢Sexual fantasies about persons with whom patients are involved are common. †¢Patients may have a psychosexual dysfunction; women may be an orgasmic, and men may be impotent. Their need for reassurance is endless. †¢Relationships tend to be superficial and they can be vain, self-absorb and fickle. †¢Strong dependence needs make them overly trusting and gullible. †¢They are unaware of their true feelings and cannot explain their motivations. †¢Differential Diagnosis †¢Somatization disorder (Briquet’s syndrome) may occur in conjunction with HPD. †¢Patients with brief psychotic disorder and dissociative disorders may warrant a coexisting diagnosis of HPD. †¢In BPD, suicide attempts, identity diffusion and brief psychotic episodes are more likely. Although both conditions may be diagnosed in the same patient, clinicians should separate the two. Course and Prognosis †¢With age, persons with HPD show fewer symptoms, but because they lack the energy of earlier years, the difference in number of symptoms may be more apparent than real. †¢Persons with this disorder are sensation seekers, and they may get into trouble with the law, abuse substances and act promiscuously. Psychotherapy †¢Clarification of their inner feelings are important because they are often unaware of their own real feelings. †¢Psycho-analytically oriented psychotherapy, whether group or individual, is probably the treatment. Pharmacotherapy †¢Antidepressants for depression and somatic complaints †¢Anti-anxiety agents for anxiety †¢Antipsychotics for derealization and illusions. NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER Tschaine Cristine C. Cac, RND Famous Person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder †¢Elvis Presley †¢Barbara Streisand Outline †¢Definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder †¢Epidemiology †¢DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) †¢Clinical Features †¢Differential Diagnosis †¢Course and Prognosis †¢Psychotherapy †¢Pharmacotherapy Narcissistic Personality Disorder †¢Characterized by a heightened sense of self-importance and grandiose feelings of uniqueness. †¢Epidemiology †¢DSM-IV-TR, estimates of the prevalence of NPD range from 2 to 16%in the clinical population. †¢Persons with the disorder may impart an unrealistic sense of omnipotence, grandiosity, beauty and talent to their children; thus offspring of such parents may have a higher than usual risk for developing the disorder themselves. †¢Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders †¢A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning early adulthood and present in variety of context, as indicated by five( or more) of the following: †¢Has grandiose sense of self-importance †¢Believes that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people( or institutions) †¢Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love †¢Requires excessive admiration †¢Has a sense of entitlement, i. e. , unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations †¢Is interpersonally exploitative, i. e. , takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends †¢Lacks empathy: unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings of others †¢Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her †¢Shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes Clinical Features †¢Grandiose sense of self-importance †¢Consider themselves special and expect special treatment †¢Handle criticism poorly †¢Frequently ambitious to achieve fame and fortune †¢Their relationships are fragile and they can make others furious y their refusal to obey conventional rules of behavior. †¢They cannot show empathy and hey feign sympathy only to achieve their own selfish ends. Susceptible to depression Interpersonal difficulties, occupational problems, rejection and loss are among the stresses that narcissists commonly produce by their behavior -stresses they are least able to handle. Differential Diagnosis †¢Borderline, histrionic and antisocial personality disorders often accompany NPD, so a differential diagnosis is difficult. †¢Patients with NPD have less anxiety than those with BPD; their life tends to be less chaotic, and less likely to attempt suicide. †¢Patients with antisocial personality disorder have a history of impulsive behavior, often associated with alcohol or other substance abuse. †¢Patients with HPD show features of exhibitionism and interpersonal manipulativeness that resemble those of patients with NPD. Course and Prognosis NPD is chronic and difficult to treat. Aging is handled poorly; patients value beauty, strength and youthful attributes, to which they cling inappropriately. They may be more vulnerable, therefore, to midlife crises than are other groups. Psychotherapy Psychiatrists such as Kernberg and Heinz have advocated using psychoanalytic approaches to effect change. Some clinicians advocate group therapy for the patients so they can learn how to share with others and, under ideal circumstances, can develop an empathic response to others. Pharmacotherapy †¢Lithium( Eskalith) has been used with mood swings. †¢Antidepressants and serotonergic drugs for depression â€Å"PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT: YOUR PERSONALITY IS THE KEY FOR YOUR SUCCESS† Sunday, 13th of May, 2012 8:00 am – 12:00 nn PUP-Graduate School, M. H. Del Pilar Campus, Valencia St. , Sta. Mesa, Manila The seminar is organized by Clinical / Industrial Psychology Group. Target attendees for this Seminar are the Graduate School Students. Purpose The purpose of this seminar is to encourage each and every one of us to enhance, develop and improve our personality to use it in our career development. Objective At the end of this course, each participant will: 1. Have a clearer view of their personality. 2. To adapt the positive mental attitude. 3. To eliminate those attitudes that is not needed for their developmental growth. 4. To know that they are always part of the team. 5. To bear in mind that success is not done immediately, it takes a lot of time, effort, patience and being optimistic in life. Contents 6. Introduction and Overview 7. Discussion 8. First part: Developing a Positive Work Attitude. 9. Second part: 10 Enemies of Greatness 10. Personality Development further Discussion. Resource Person The name of the keynote speaker in â€Å"Personality Development: Your Personality is the Key for your Success† Seminar. †¢Mr. Darwin B. Rivers Organizers †¢Josephine L. Abdon †¢Arnulfo A. Almeniana †¢Pearl Avon S. Amores †¢Juno C. Bautista †¢Tschaine Cristine C. Cac †¢Joseph J. Cando †¢Henmar C. Cardino †¢Cherry Mae D. Esios †¢Joanne A. Garcia †¢Annalyn R. Manero †¢Sybil Q. Ortguesa †¢Erwin B. Sario †¢Veron Angeli R. Trinidad †¢Ivy Marie B. Paulete †¢Alexander B. Prudente Jr. †¢Anthony G. Villarina DEVELOPING A POSITIVE WORK ATTITUDE Darwin B. Rivers INTRODUCTION: Where negativity exists in a workplace, people are quick to blame each other and feel a sense of injustice. With a negative attitude, you are less likely to be accountable and reliable. A positive attitude will enable you to take risks, innovate, communicate, have confidence and create a better workplace. This means you are more productive and achieve more. OBJECTIVES: †¢ Define What is an Attitude? †¢ Define What is a Work Attitude? †¢ Define What does Positive Work Attitude means? †¢ Learn the Different Positive Work Attitude Equations †¢ Describe How to Develop a Positive Work Attitude †¢ Know the Importance of having a Positive Work Attitude †¢Benefits of having a Positive Work Attitude †¢ Achieving a Positive Work Attitude ATTITUDE †¢What is an Attitude? †¢An attitude is a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of something. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or ambivalent toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive and negative attitudes toward the item in question. (Wikipedia) †¢Carl Gustav Jung – a well known psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology defines attitude as a readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain wayâ€Å" (Chapter XI of Psychological Types) TYPES OF ATTITUDES Within Jung’s broad definition he defines several attitudes. 1. Consciousness and the Unconscious The presence of two attitudes is extremely frequent, one conscious and the other unconscious. This means that consciousness has a constellation of contents different from that of the unconscious, a duality particularly evident in neurosis (Jung, [1921] 1971: par. 687). 2. Extraversion and introversion -This pair is so elementary to Jungs theory of types that he labeled them the attitude-types. 3. Rational and Irrational attitudes. I conceive reason as an attitude (Jung, [1921] 1971: par. 785). †¢ATTITUDE †¢The rational attitude subdivides into the thinking and feeling psychological functions, each with its attitude. †¢ The irrational attitude subdivides into the sensing and intuition psychological functions, each with its attitude. There is thus a typical thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuitive attitude (Jung, [1921] 1971: par. 691). 4. Individual and social attitudes. Many of the latter are ismsâ€Å" 5. Abstract attitude – IT is a type of cognitive functioning that includes assuming a mental set voluntarily; shifting voluntarily from a specific aspect of a situation to the general; keeping in mind simultaneously various aspects of a situation; grasping the essentials of a whole, and breaking it into its parts and isolating them voluntarily; planning ahead ideationally; and/or thinking or performing symbolically. ATTITUDE †¢A characteristic of many psychiatric disorders is the person’s inability to assume the abstract attitude or to shift readily from the concrete to the abstract and back again as demanded by circumstances. 6. Concretism – It means a peculiarity of thinking and feeling which is the antithesis of abstraction† (Jung, [1921] 1971: par. 696). †¢For example: I hate his attitude for being Sarcastic. †¢WORK ATTITUDES: TWO TYPES 1. Work Attitude Behavior †¢WAB refers to the ‘feel’ part of your work. It relates to how you feel about your work and your approach towards work. Hence, work attitude behavior is intangible. You cannot see it. Your colleagues cannot see it. But people can feel it. People whom you work with can feel your work attitude behavior. †¢Your Colleagues â€Å"knows† it if you carry out your tasks with pride. They can feel whether you belief in your work or not. They know if you have passion in your work. †¢WORK ATTITUDES: TWO TYPES 2. Work Behavior Attitude †¢WBA refers to the ‘do’ part of your work. It relates to how you do your work and how you get your work done. Work behavior attitude can be seen. It is the actual work. You can see the result of your work behavior attitude be it a report or a finished good. Your colleagues can see it. It is the action. †¢They can see if you worked hard. They can see if you do your work with skills and applied the knowledge you know into the work. They can see for themselves if you are the all talk and no work type. †¢WORK ATTITUDES †¢Work attitudes are also the feelings we have toward different aspects of the work environment. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are two key attitudes that are the most relevant to important outcomes. †¢In addition to personality and fit with the organization, work attitudes are influenced by the characteristics of the job, perceptions of organizational justice and the psychological contract, relationships with coworkers and managers, and the stress levels experienced on the job. †¢FACT: †¢Institutions such as Gallup or the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) periodically conduct studies of job satisfaction to track how satisfied employees are at work. †¢According to a recent Gallup survey, 90% of the employees surveyed said that they were at least somewhat satisfied with their jobs. A recent SHRM study revealed 40% who were very satisfied. †¢QUESTION: †¢Have you recently had a bad day? †¢How could that day been better? †¢Has another person’s bad day had a reflection on your day? †¢How would a person having a bad day effect the attitude of a work place? POSITIVE WORK ATTITUDE †¢What is a Positive Work Attitude? A â€Å"positive work attitude is an attitude about working. It is often used to refer to someone who has positive outlook and behavior at work. It also refers to someone possessing good work values and ethics in the work place. †¢POSITIVE WORK ATT

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Life of Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy

The Life of Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy The science of astronomy is one of humanitys oldest sciences. No one knows quite when the first people looked up and began to study the sky, but we do know that very early people began noting the sky thousands of years in the past. Written astronomical records were recorded in ancient times, often on tablets or walls or in artwork. That was when observers began charting what they saw in the sky. They didnt always understand what they observed, but realized that the skys objects move in periodic and predictable ways. Claudius Ptolemy with an armillary sphere he used to predict solstice dates and other celestial sights. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Claudius Ptolemy (often called Claudius Ptolemaeus, Ptolomaeus, Klaudios Ptolemaios, and simply Ptolemeus) was one of the earliest of these observers. He systematically charted the sky to help predict and explain the motions of the planets and stars. He was a scientist and philosopher who lived in Alexandria, Egypt nearly 2,000 years ago. Not only was he an astronomer, but he also studied geography and used what he learned to make detailed maps of the known world. We know very little of Ptolemys early life, including his birth and death dates. Historians have more information about his observations since they became the basis for later charts and theories. The first of his observations that can be dated exactly occurred on March 12, 127. His last recorded one was February 2, 141. Some experts think his life spanned the years 87 – 150. However long he lived, Ptolemy did much to advance science and appears to have been a very accomplished observer of the stars and planets.   We get a few clues about his background from his name: Claudius Ptolemy. Its a mixture of the Greek Egyptian Ptolemy and the Roman Claudius. Together, they indicate that his family was probably Greek and they had settled in Egypt (which was under Roman rule) for some time before his birth. Very little else is known about his origins.   Ptolemy, the Scientist Ptolemys work was quite advanced, considering that he didnt have the types of tools that astronomers rely on today. He lived in a time of naked eye observations; no telescopes existed to make his life easier. Among other topics. Ptolemy  wrote about the  Greek geocentric view  of the universe (which put Earth at the center of everything). That view seemed to quite nicely put humans at the center of things, as well, a notion that was hard to shake until Galileos time. Ptolemy also calculated the apparent motions of the known planets. He did this by synthesizing and extending the work of Hipparchus of Rhodes, an astronomer who came up with a system of epicycles and eccentric circles to explain why Earth was the center of the solar system. Epicycles are small circles whose centers move around the circumferences of larger ones.  He used at least 80 of these tiny circular orbits  to explain the motions of the Sun, the Moon, and the five planets known in his time. Ptolemy expanded this concept and made many fine calculations to fine-tune it.   This drawing by astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini was influenced by the epicycles that Ptolemy refined by his mathematics and observations of the sky. public domain This system came to be called the Ptolemaic System. It was the linchpin of the theories about objects motions in the sky for nearly a millennium and a half. It predicted the positions of the planets accurately enough for naked-eye observations, but it turned out to be wrong and too complicated. As with most other scientific ideas, simpler is better, and coming up with loopy circles wasnt a good answer to why planets orbit the way they do.   Ptolemy the Writer Ptolemy was also a prolific writer in the subjects and disciplined he studied. For astronomy, he described his system in his books that make up the  Almagest (also known as Mathematical Syntaxis). It was a 13-volume mathematical explanation of astronomy  containing information about the numerical and geometrical concepts behind the motions of the Moon and known planets. He also included a star catalog that contained 48 constellations (star patterns) he could observe, all with the same names that are still in use today. As a further example of some of his scholarship, he made regular observations of the sky at the time of the solstices and equinoxes, which allowed him to figure out the lengths of the seasons. From this information, he then went on to try and describe the motion of the Sun around our planet. Of course, he was wrong because the Sun does not orbit Earth. But, without more knowledge of the solar system, it would have been very difficult for him to know that. However, his systematic approach to charting and measuring sky events and objects was among the first scientific attempts to explain what happens in the sky. The Ptolemaic System was the accepted wisdom about the motions of the solar system bodies and the importance of Earth in that system for centuries. In 1543, the Polish scholar Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a heliocentric view which put the Sun at the center of the solar system. The heliocentric calculations he came up with for the movement of planets were further improved by Johannes Keplers laws of motion. Interestingly, some people doubt that Ptolemy truly believed his own system, rather he merely used it as a method of calculating positions. A page of Ptolemys Almagest translated and reproduced by Edward Ball Knobel. public domain   Ptolemy was also very important in the history of geography and cartography. He was well aware that Earth is a sphere and was the first cartographer to project the spherical shape of the planet onto a flat plane. His work, Geography  remained the principal work on the subject until the time of Columbus. It contained amazingly accurate information for the time and given the difficulties of mapping that all cartographers raced. But it did have some problems, including an overestimated size and extent of the Asian landmass. Some scholars think that the maps Ptolemy created may have been a deciding factor in Columbuss decision to sail west for the Indies and ultimately discover the continents of the western hemisphere. Fast Facts about Ptolemy Not much is known about Ptolemys early life. He was a Greek citizen living in Alexandria, Egypt.Ptolemy was a cartographer and geography, and also worked in mathematics.Ptolemy was also an avid skygazer. Sources Claudius Ptolemy,â€Å"Claudius Ptolemy.†Ã‚  Ptolemy (about 85-about 165),â€Å"Notable People.†Ã‚  Who Was Claudius Ptolemy, Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen

Thursday, November 21, 2019

For the Love of Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

For the Love of Water - Essay Example Major bodies and political institutes have gained control over the water distribution channels of the world and are making a lot of money at the expense of the poor persons. Water has now turned into an expensive commodity that can only be afforded by the well off while the rest have to do with spring water, or even dirty ditch water. Positive and negative externalities There are positive and negative externalities as far as water supply is concerned. The positive externalities are; the suppliers of the water are making millions as the commodity is in demand since we cannot do without water. It is the big corporations that are gaining from this business. These corporations are headed by persons who are believed to be associated with the World Bank. So as the World Bank imposes regulations on countries concerning the privatization of water supply then these corporations cash in. Privatization Privatization being the transfer of the ownership or business title to the private sector has turned the water supply system into a mess. Initially as the governments would supply water through their own ministries, there was sanity in the industry. As time went by, pressures have been exerted especially on the developing countries to privatize the water supply systems. Initially, the private sectors made the people believe that they were out to help them have water supply but this was not the case. It is common sense that as these companies supply water, they are in business and would want to make an extra coin for their investors. Privatization was meant to equip the cities with portable water and sewerage which did happen but only to those people who could afford the change. A lot of people who earn very little couldn’t afford the change and thus have to do with well water or borehole water where available. In other places in the world, the private sector connected water then charged for the water supply or consumption that people use. When these people are not ab le to pay for the water, it is cut off. These people have now turned rebellious and are reconnecting the pipes themselves to get the water. Some do this in the night. Advantages of privatization. Privatization though considered a bad omen by the people especially of the developing countries has its own advantages though not many. It has created employment as these corporations set up firms in these countries to supply water. These firms also contract persons to do the piping and sewerage construction, thereby creating money making avenues for the people on the ground. With the coming of the pipe water, it is believed that the rate of people getting water borne diseases was reduced as these water supplying corporations cleaned and disinfected the water. According to FLOW (2013) bad and infected water kills more than even AIDS and other diseases. Privatization was also a God sent blessing to the water bottling companies as the rate at which people are taking bottled water is very high and it created a booming business. To the people that were able to pay, sewerage and piped water is a blessing as compared to fetching water at a river or borehole. Disadvantages of privatization With these advantages came many disadvantages. People are excluded from portable water in cities. They don’t have water nor the money to buy the basic commodity. The kind of wages that these people get cannot allow them to have all the water that they would require to live healthy lives. They have to make do with very little water and do all they need to with this. What they can do away with like bathing daily, and cleaning their clothes, they don’t do on a daily basis but just when it is really necessary. The private water suppliers have neglected them. For these suppliers it is just